
volunteers make a world of difference

Giving Back

Volunteers at BTHC provide services that enrich and complement the hospital by assisting and supplementing the duties of our staff. The volunteer programs are designed to assist in providing the needs of the “whole” patient. Each month, volunteers of all ages and ability generously donate their time and talents at BTHC.
BTHC volunteers are offered a selection of non-clinical opportunities to suit the interests of our volunteers and the needs of BTHC.

Volunteer Opportunities

Our volunteer positions are grouped in these areas:

  • BTHC Gardening Program
  • Musical Guests
  • Recreation Program
  • Fundraising and Special Events
  • Palliative/Cancer Care
  • Adult patient support

The list below is a sample of volunteer roles at BTHC.
Available volunteer opportunities vary.

BTHC Palliative/Cancer Care Program

Volunteers provide in-hospital companion visits, support the meal assist program, comfort cart assistance, do community visits, take on fundraising tasks and provide assistance for Cancer Care patients and families.

Adult Patient Support Program

Volunteers interact directly with adult patients and their families. Placements include visiting inpatients, offering friendly support to patients and their families, and assisting patient with meals when requested by nursing staff.

BTHC Gardening Program

Volunteers can assist with maintaining the flower beds at BTHC. Details of position will be discussed with the Recreation/Volunteer Coordinator.

Musical Guests

Volunteers provide music to our inpatients at BTHC whether through the gift of singing or playing an instrument. Contact the BTHC Recreation/Volunteer Coordinator for more details.

Morden Auxiliary

The BTHC Gift Shop has reopened! Those interested in volunteering can fill out the volunteer form below and will be contacted by the Auxiliary.

Recreation Therapeutic Program

Volunteers provide services to benefit inpatients on the Rehab/Surgery and Medical Unit. Orientation will be provided by the BTHC Recreation/Volunteer Coordinator.
Recreation Therapeutic volunteers will be involved with:

  • Recreation Assistants
  • Baking & Cooking
  • Bingo
  • Bowling
  • Crafts
  • Devotions
  • Special Events
  • Winkler Auxiliary

Contact the Volunteer Coordinator by filling out the form below. 

Volunteers also have the opportunity to assist with fundraising and special events as required.


If you are between the ages of 14-18 and interested in giving something back to the community, or you know of someone who would like to participate, we would be happy to talk to you about volunteer opportunities at BTHC. We are always looking for sensitive, respectful, and caring individuals to assist with our programs. 

Summer Volunteering

Youth volunteers also get involved by volunteering over summer vacation. The commitment we ask from you is one shift a week if at all possible. If you enjoy your experience with us, please consider continuing your volunteer position after the school year begins.


Thank you for expressing interest in our Volunteer Program.
We will respond to your application as soon as able, we appreciate your patience.
Volunteers must be at least 18 years for most areas, with the exception of the Junior Volunteer Program, where volunteers need to be a minimum of 14.

What to expect when you apply to become a Volunteer at BTHC.

1. Applying

  • Volunteer will submit completed application form to Volunteer Coordinator.
  • Volunteer will sign a Parental/Guardian Consent Form ( if 15 or under)
  • Applicant’s information entered in volunteer database, this is how we will reach you.
  • A pre-screen and interview are set up by Volunteer Coordinator.

2. Interview

  • Volunteer Coordinator will call or email you to arrange a date and time for an interview.
  • You will be asked to provide three (3) references. We do not accept family members or personal friends as references.
  • If you are under 15 years of age, you will be asked to bring a signed Parental/Guardian consent form with you to the interview.

3. Screening

  • Interview conducted by the Volunteer Coordinator and screening checks are completed as required for volunteer role.
  • Completed criminal Record Check, Child Abuse Registry Check and Adult Abuse Registry Check forms will be handed in to the Volunteer Coordinator.

4. Job Placement

  • Arrangements will be made for an orientation in the area that volunteer.
  • Confirmation on volunteer placement, and discuss start date.

5. Orientation & Training

  • On your first day, volunteer coordinator will provide you with role specific training.
  • You will be provided with a volunteer identification name tag.
  • Personal Health Declaration of Confidentiality (PHIA) Form signed.

    All information submitted is confidential.

    Please click on the areas that you are interested in volunteering:

    BTHC Gardening ProgramGift ShopMonthly Musical GuestMorden AuxilaryPalliative CarePatient VisitsRecreation/Activity ProgramWinkler AuxilarySelling Raffle TicketsBTHC Rep for Summer Fairs & FestivalsOther

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