Written by Robyn Wiebe Saturday, Dec 24 2022, 5:00 AM

Last year, when Carman Collegiate teacher, Jacquie Metcalf was diagnosed with cancer, Principal Mary Reimer wanted to give the staff and students an opportunity to show support for her. She made chocolate mustaches to sell in the cafeteria for a couple of weeks in November, for Movember. They raised $1,500 for Cancer Care Manitoba.
This summer, Reimer was diagnosed with breast cancer, but that didn’t stop her from making more chocolates than last year, raising considerably more than to present to the Boundary Trails Health Centre (BTHC) Foundation.
“I think I probably made close to 10,000 mustaches. It was a busy month of November. As a result of the efforts of me making them, and Carman Collegiate, we’re able to make a sizable donation to Boundary Trails. I originally thought the donation was going to be $7,825, however, as a result of a few more last-minute donations coming in, I’m thrilled, on behalf of Carman Collegiate, to present Boundary Trails with $8,300.”
She noted they received support beyond the cafeteria, through the connection with Carman Cougar Hockey team, support came in from other communities in the Pembina Valley.
“Because our hockey team kind of got on board with us, hockey teams around us got on board as well. I’m so happy the Altona Aces are joining me, and the Portage hockey team as well. I know Altona, for example, bought 150 mustaches. I think it’s become a little bit of a symbol in the area of communities coming together to do what they can to fight this disease that affects everyone.”

BTHC Foundation Executive Director Shannon Sammatte-Folkett shared her reaction to the news.
“Wow! That’s the first I’m learning and I’m speechless. From chocolate mustaches, that’s amazing. What a community. What a way to rally around and support you guys,” she said to Reimer when receiving the cheque for $8,300.
She went on to share how it will be used.
“This will go to Boundary Trails Cancer Care department. I think they’ll be very touched by this. I’m sure you’ve already shared a lot with them up there. I can’t wait to work with the team to find out what kind of needs we need to meet upstairs.”
Reimer went on to share her own experience in with BTHC Cancer Care, and why Carman Collegiate chose to give the money to the local hospital.
“As strange as it sounds, I look forward to the days I get to come to the cancer ward, for a place that could be very somber. There have been days I’ve gone in just a puddle, and just crying, and just very distraught, and Dr. Woelk, and Dr. Martin, and the nurses, they’re phenomenal, and they have a natural way of making sure your cup is a little fuller when you leave than when you came in. So, it’s the very least we can do.”
Sammatte-Folkett thanked Reimer for choosing to give to the local hospital, and for the extra special gift to help people in their cancer journey. She wished Reimer all the best in her own journey.